WHSV: The Time Is Now to Talk to Your Kids About Underage Drinking
As Valley kids go back to school, it’s the perfect time to talk with your kids about underage drinking.
News Virginian: Town hall meeting focuses on underage drinking
Community members from various backgrounds and professions gathered on Thursday evening to meet and discuss a common goal: to learn about and deter underage drinking.
Augusta Free Press: Town hall meeting in Augusta County discusses impact of underage drinking
Augusta Free Press editor Chris Graham was on hand August 20 for our Town Hall meeting in Fishersville to discuss underage drinking.
WHSV: Town Hall discussion to focus on underage drinking
WHSV-TV3 highlighted the Greater Augusta Prevention Partners town hall meeting on underage drinking in their noon newscast today.
WKDW: Morning show interview on town hall meeting
Greater Augusta Prevention Partners Coalition Coordinator Keri Jones joined WKDW Morning Show Host Kris Neil Losh to talk about tonight’s town hall meeting and the Let’s be the Influence campaign.